Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I've gotta say, I'm amazed that Christianity thrives so vigorously in the United States...?

If you think about it, it's really quite amazing that such a primitive, outdated way of thinking is so predominant in such an advanced society. This could be applied to other religions and philosophies, of course, but I'm pointing out Christianity because the vast majority of Americans are Christians. And even though most of us non-Christians realize this, I don't think we all put thought into this: I mean, we've got the best science and technology programs in the world and science is advancing so fast and we're learning more and more, and yet the majority of people in our country are not only religious...they also don't believe in evolution! Do I even have to tell other evolutionists what a disgrace to our species these people are? We have absolutely AMAZING thinkers like Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc. and yet...there are so many people who have these primitive belief systems and completely dismiss the theories that our greatest thinkers work on for years and decades on end, researching and studying and testing and learning and proving and disproving and hypothesizing and learning more...and yet we have people who have barely scratched the surface of a science text book and claim their beliefs are either a) just as valid or b) the only right way....... I mean, I am just astonished that SO MANY people actually still believe this stuff. I'm sorry for the preaching, but man, oh man, it's just...something else. Hopefully people will start to come to their senses a little more, in time.

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